About Us
SONCCA is powered by a professional staff dedicated to quality care for the children of the Seymour & Oxford community.
SONCCA is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. SONCCA is supported by grant funds, parent fees and private contributions. Tax-deductible contributions may be made to SONCCA through the United Way donor option plan or direct contribution.
Our Story
The Seymour-Oxford Nursery Child Care Association was organized in 1985 to provide affordable before and after school programs for children of school age living in Seymour & Oxford while their parents are working or participating in an established training program.

Nuturing Growing Minds
A nutritious snack is provided during the after school session in all our locations. Parents are welcome to visit any site during regular hours of operation.

Helping Your Child Explore, Grow, & Learn
SONCCA’S five licensed centers are located in five schools: Bungay School, Chatfield-LoPresti School, Seymour Middle School (Summer Program Only), Quaker Farms School and Center School in Oxford.
Committed to quality care, our trained professional staff provides daily activities including arts and crafts, community service learning activities, seasonal projects, story time, homework time, guest speakers, quiet recreational activities and both indoor and outdoor free play.
Community Driven
Volunteer Run and Operated
Board Officers
Judy Russo, Chairman
Laura Filo, Secretary
Liza Logan, General Member
Stephanie Mordowanec, General Member
Stacy Grussi, General Member
Dana Paredes, General Member
Parents Welcome
Parents are welcome to join the SONCCA board. The board meetings are open to the public and held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7pm in the SONCCA office or zoom. If interested in join please email us and times and or link will be emailed to you.